This page contains reports and searches to allow you to get information on the IAI data we house for our participating institutions.
to review course equivilencies at instutions for IAI courses.
To see all courses approved for a particular identifier, use the
full list
of all active GECC & Major course descriptors. The "
" link shows all courses approved for an identifier.
Monthly and annual reports for changes, ends, and adds in the IAI database.
Monthly IAI Course Updates - This search allows you to view IAI GECC and Majors course updates to the IAI database in a monthly report format.
GECC Updates History - This search allows you to view only IAI GECC course updates to the IAI database in an annual or monthly report format.
IAI Major Updates History - This search allows you to view only IAI Major course updates to the IAI database in an annual or monthly report format.
GECC Course Searches - This search allows you to view course searches for the GECC courses by an institution, identifier, and other options.
IAI Major Course Searches - This search allows you to view course searches for the IAI Major courses by an institution, identifier, and other options.
GECC and Major Combination Searches - This search allows you to search both GECC and major courses at an institution.
IAI Specialized Descriptor Course Search
This search allows you to search for specialized descriptor courses approved within IAI.
(N=Non-Western, D=Diversity in the US, L=Lab, C=Cadaver Lab)
ENDED COURSE DESCRIPTIONS LISTS - General Education and Major course identifiers discontinued and ended. Includes links to descriptions.
Many of the searches are able to provide data in spreadsheet format to facilitate integration into existing school databases.