Articulation Agreements
Although the IAI is expected to facilitate student transfer statewide, there continue to be valid reasons for inter-institutional articulation tools such as 2+2, course articulations, and transfer guides:
First, the IAI will not articulate every possible baccalaureate major, but only those that are most commonly chosen by students and those that are offered by a sizable number of institutions.
- Further, 2+2 agreements are especially useful in those technical and professional fields in which education level parallels career advancement-Generally, fields in which students gain technical skill competence first and then the broadening perspectives gained from general education.
- Also, 2+2 agreements and transfer guides can facilitate transfer between different but complementary programs, such as health care provider and management.
- Also, course by course articulations can be helpful to reverse transfers.
- Finally, because these agreements are between just two institutions, it can be much more detailed than the more general IAI statewide agreements.