M1900: College-level Calculus (3-5 semester credits)
Retired [effective Fall 2004]
Notice: The panel has decided to retire M1 900. Each course under M1 900 will now be identified separately with the following IAI Codes:
M1 900-1: Calculus I
M1 900-2: Calculus II
M1 900-3: Calculus III
M1 900-B: Business CalculusA college-level calculus course. Policies on acceptance of AP credit vary among academic programs and from institution to institution, so AP credit toward the GECC or major requirements is not guaranteed. In general, a score of 3 or higher on the AP Calculus exam may be considered as equivalent to successful completion of courses approved for M1 900. Prerequisite: C or better in college algebra.
M1900-1: College-level Calculus I (4-5 semester credits)
The following description is for the full Calculus sequence (M1900-1, M1900-2, M1900-3):
Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Prerequisite for Calculus I: College Algebra and Trigonometry with grades of C or better, or Precalculus with a grade of C or better. The panel has compared the IAI GECC M1 900-1 descriptor against the AP Calculus AB and BC exams and determined there is not a match. Feb 2016
>>>Note: When three courses are required to convey the necessary skills in calculus to mathematics majors, it is highly advised that students complete the entire sequence at a single institution. Course content may vary widely among institutions depending on the credits assigned to each course, and completing the sequence at a single institution is the best way to assure that neither credit nor content is lost in transfer.
Updated - 03/22/2024 - minor change to add "the calculus of
" to "logarithmic and exponential functions;" - Effective Fall 2024
Previous Update - 10/27/2023 - minor punctuation changes
Previous Update - 03/24/2023 - Panel description updated to mirror the Calculus sequence with the Math major Calculus description. Minor changes made to surfaces to allow the panel a bit flexibility in topic coverage: "• surfaces including cylindrical and quadric surfaces;" versus "• cylindrical surfaces, quadric surfaces;" Effective fall 2023
Previous Updated April 2016 - Wording adopted by GECC Mathematics panel from Mathematics major panel recommendations.
M1900-2: College-level Calculus II
(3-5 semester credits)
The following description is for the full Calculus sequence (M1900-1, M1900-2, M1900-3):
Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Prerequisite for Calculus II: M1900-1 (Calculus I) with a grade of "C" or better. The panel has compared the IAI GECC M1 900-1 descriptor against the AP Calculus AB and BC exams and determined there is not a match. Feb 2016
>>>Note: When three courses are required to convey the necessary skills in calculus to mathematics majors, it is highly advised that students complete the entire sequence at a single institution. Course content may vary widely among institutions depending on the credits assigned to each course, and completing the sequence at a single institution is the best way to assure that neither credit nor content is lost in transfer.
Updated - 03/22/2024 - minor change to add "the calculus of
" to "logarithmic and exponential functions;" - Effective Fall 2024
Previous Update - 10/27/2023 - minor punctuation changes
Previous Update - 03/24/2023 - Panel description updated to mirror the Calculus sequence with the Math major Calculus description. Minor changes made to surfaces to allow the panel a bit flexibility in topic coverage: "• surfaces including cylindrical and quadric surfaces;" versus "• cylindrical surfaces, quadric surfaces;" Effective fall 2023
Previous Updated April 2016 - Wording adopted by GECC Mathematics panel from Mathematics major panel recommendations.
M1900-3: College-level Calculus III (3-5 semester credits)
The following description is for the full Calculus sequence (M1900-1, M1900-2, M1900-3):
Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Prerequisite for Calculus III: M1900 - 2 (Calculus II) with grades of C or better, or Precalculus with a grade of C or better. The panel has compared the IAI GECC M1 900-1 descriptor against the AP Calculus AB and BC exams and determined there is not a match. Feb 2016
>>>Note: When three courses are required to convey the necessary skills in calculus to mathematics majors, it is highly advised that students complete the entire sequence at a single institution. Course content may vary widely among institutions depending on the credits assigned to each course, and completing the sequence at a single institution is the best way to assure that neither credit nor content is lost in transfer.
Updated - 03/22/2024 - minor change to add "the calculus of
" to "logarithmic and exponential functions;" - Effective Fall 2024
Previous Update - 10/27/2023 - minor punctuation changes
Previous Update - 03/24/2023 - Panel description updated to mirror the Calculus sequence with the Math major Calculus description. Minor changes made to surfaces to allow the panel a bit flexibility in topic coverage: "• surfaces including cylindrical and quadric surfaces;" versus "• cylindrical surfaces, quadric surfaces;" Effective fall 2023
Previous Updated April 2016 - Wording adopted by GECC Mathematics panel from Mathematics major panel recommendations.
M1900-B: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences (4-5 semester credits)
This calculus course is designed specifically for students in business and the social sciences and does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics. It emphasizes applications of the basic concepts of calculus rather than proofs. Topics must include limits; techniques of differentiation applied to polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; partial derivatives and applications involving maxima and minima of functions in more than one variable; and elementary techniques of integration including substitution and integration by parts. Business and social science applications are stressed throughout the course. Prerequisite: College Algebra with a grade of C or better. The panel has compared the IAI GECC M1 900-B descriptor against the AP Calculus AB and BC exams and determined there is not a match. Feb 2016
IMPORTANT SPECIAL NOTE: This course's credit hours increased to 4-5 semester credit hours from 3-5 semester credits on Jan. 1, 2017.
Revised information in description regarding partial derivatives and applications – Spring 2021 – 04/23/2021 – effective Fall 2021
M1900-O: Calculus (other) (3-5 semester credits)
Courses in this category meet the basic description of a college-level calculus course and includes the concepts of differentiation and integration as appropriate. Courses such as a Short Course in Calculus, Non-Technical Calculus, and others are assigned here. Such courses do not fulfill the description of any course in the standard calculus sequence or the description of a calculus course for business and social science. Prerequisite: college algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better. Policies on the acceptance of AP credit vary among academic programs and from institution to institution, so AP credit toward the GECC or major requirements is not guaranteed. A score of 3 or higher on the AP Calculus AB or BC exam may be considered as equivalent to successful completion of postsecondary courses approved for IAI GECC M1 900-0. Feb 2016
M1901: Quantitative Literacy (3-4 semester credits)
Develops conceptual understanding, problem-solving, decision-making and analytic skills dealing with quantities and their magnitudes and interrelationships using technology as a tool. Selecting and using appropriate approaches and tools in formulating and solving real-world problems and estimating/approximating and judging the reasonableness of answers should be integrated throughout the course.
The course must include all of the following topics:
Prerequisite: A student in this course should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co-requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.).
Full Revision – Fall 2019 – 10/18/2019, Effective Spring 2020.
Prior Revisions: Prerequisite Revised – Fall 2017/10-27-2017 – Effective Spring 2018, Tweaked Fall 2016 - Effective Spring 2017
M1902: General Education Statistics (3-4 semester credits)
This course focuses on statistical reasoning and the solving of problems using real-world data rather than on computational skills. The use of technology-based computations (more advanced than a basic scientific calculator, such as graphing calculators with a statistical package, spreadsheets, or statistical computing software) is required with an emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of statistical results. Topics must include data collection processes (observational studies, experimental design, sampling techniques, bias), descriptive methods using quantitative and qualitative data, bivariate data, correlation, and least squares regression, basic probability theory, probability distributions (normal distributions and normal curve, binomial distribution), confidence intervals and hypothesis tests using p-values. Prerequisite: A student in this course should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co-requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.). Policies on the acceptance of AP credit vary among academic programs and from institution to institution, so AP credit toward the GECC or major requirements is not guaranteed. A score of 3 or higher on the AP Statistics exam may be considered as equivalent to successful completion of postsecondary courses approved for IAI GECC Ml 902.Feb 2016
Last Revision: 10/27/2023 - Minor puncuation changes.
Previous Revision:
Panel rephrased the technology requirements of this course in Fall 2018 due confusion in course review during the semester. The Fall 2018 tweaks are effecting Spring 2019. The primary Spring 2018 change was to add some technology wording. This wording was refined. See the bolded section of the description
M1903: Mathematics for Elementary Teaching I and II
(3-4 semester credits)
Two-Course Sequence Option: (3-4 semester credits)
Focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Topics must include whole numbers, integers, number theory, rational numbers, non-metric geometry, and measurement. Additional topics may include probability, statistics, functions, logic, and irrational numbers. Courses designed to fulfill this descriptor should be in cooperation with common transfer partners to facilitate ease of student transfer.
If an institution offers two courses in sequence, the two-course sequence meets the requirements for state certication in elementary teaching. The second course fullls the Illinois Transferable General Education Core Curriculum (iTransfer Gen. Ed.) requirement only for students seeking state certication as elementary teachers or special education teachers.
Please Note: The IAI approval goes on the second course of the sequence; however representative syllabi for both courses must be included within the course submission of the "Mathematics for Elementary Teaching." Do not submit the first course as a separate submission.
Prerequisite: A student in the first course in the sequence should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co-requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.). A student in the second course in the sequence should have successfully completed the first course in the sequence with a C or better.
Full review and revision Fall 2024
- 10/25/2024 - Course has a single course option, M1903A, and the 2 course sequence option, M1903 (current descriptor).
Effective Spring 2025
Minor revision to description (removal of “by using calculators and microcomputers in problem-solving”) – Spring 2021 – 04/21/2021 – effective fall 2021.
M1903A- Mathematics for Elementary Teaching (5-7 semester credits)
One Course Option: (5-7 semester credits)
Focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Topics must include whole numbers, integers, number theory, rational numbers, non-metric geometry, and measurement. Additional topics may include probability, statistics, functions, logic, and irrational numbers. Courses designed to fulfill this descriptor should be in cooperation with common transfer partners to facilitate ease of student transfer.
If an institution offers a single course, the course meets the requirements for state certification in elementary teaching. This course fulfills the Illinois Transferable General Education Core Curriculum (iTransfer Gen. Ed.) requirement only for students seeking state certification as elementary teachers or special education teachers.
Prerequisite: A student in this course should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co- requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.).
Full review and revision Fall 2024 for M1903- 10/25/2024 - Course has a single course option, M1903A (new single course description), and the 2 course sequence option, M1903 (current descriptor). Effective Spring 2025 -
M1904: General Education Mathematics
(3-4 semester credits)
Focuses on mathematical reasoning and the solving of real-life problems and appreciation, rather than on routine skills. Three or four topics are studied in depth, with at least three chosen from the following list:
· geometry
· counting techniques and probability (both are required for this topic)
· graph theory
· logic and set theory (both are required for this topic)
· mathematical modeling
· mathematics of finance
· game theory
· linear programming, including the simplex method
· statistics
· voting and apportionment (both are required for this topic)
The use of calculators and computers are strongly encouraged. Prerequisite: A student in this course should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co-requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.).
Last Revision: Panel added "including the simplex method" to the description - Spring 2023 - 03/24/2023
Topics clarified – Spring 2022 – 03/11/2022 – Effective Fall 2022
Prerequisite Revised – Fall 2017/10-27-2017 – Effective Spring 2018
Tweaked Spring 2018 – 03/09/2018 – effective Fall 2018
M1905: Discrete Mathematics (3-4 semester credits)
Introduction to analysis of finite collections and mathematical foundations of sequential machines, computer system design, data structures and algorithms. Includes a minimum of 6 of the following: sets, counting, recursion, graph theory, trees, nets, Boolean algebra, automata, and formal grammars and languages. Prerequisite: C or better in college algebra.
Description Revised Spring 2017 - 03/24/2017
Credit hours revised 04/15/2016 - effective 01/01/2017
M1906: Finite Mathematics (3-4 semester credits)
Emphasis on concepts and applications, rather than mathematical structures. Form A (designed especially for students in business, economics, Social Sciences and Life Sciences, with applications drawn from these fields) must include the following topics: systems of linear equations and matrices; linear programming; counting and probability theory. Other possible additional topics include: vectors; determinants; systems of inequalities; simplex method; set theory; logic and Boolean algebra; stochastic processes; game theory; Markov chain methods; mathematical modeling; and the mathematics of finance. Form B: matrix algebra; systems of linear equations and matrices; determinants; vectors in 2-space and 3-space; vector spaces; eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: C or better in college algebra.
Reviewed and revised Fall 2016 - 10/21/2016
M1907: Elementary Mathematical Modeling (3-4 semester credits)
Focuses on mathematical reasoning through the active participations of students in building a knowledge base of numeric, geometric, and algebraic models. Integrates the use of graphing calculators and personal computers. Includes inductive and deductive reasoning, mathematical proof, mathematical modeling in problem-solving, and limitations therein. Topics may include: sequences and series in modeling, variables and functions, graphical, tabular, and formulaic representation of algebraic functions, algebraic functions in modeling logarithmic scales, logarithmic and exponential functions in modeling. Prerequisite: A student in this course should be college-ready in mathematics as assessed by local institutions (for example: Intermediate Algebra with a C or better, placement, co-requisite course, multiple measures, transitional mathematics competencies, PMGE, or professional organization recommendations, etc.).
Last Revision: 10/27/2023 - Minor punctuation changes
Prerequisite Revised – Fall 2017/10-27-2017 – Effective Spring 2018
Tweaked Fall 2016 - Effective Spring 2017